“Modern gedacht! Symbole der Nachkriegsarchitektur”

What if we were to think today about new forms of housing, about the city of the future, about modern man and the society in which he lives? Architecture could be an expression of this thinking!
The 1950s, -60s and -70s were a time of change. They opened up possibilities for architectural experiments. Urban planning structures were conceived under the slogan "urbanity through density". Economic growth and the hope for a future shaped by science and progress formed the basis for the new ideas and ideals. Today the architectural witnesses of this time may seem strange, but their unique selling points and their attempt to think space differently remain indisputable.
The exhibition "Modern gedacht! Symbole der Nachkriegsarchitektur" of the Museum of Architecture and Engineering NRW (M:AI) presents outstanding buildings of this period in Germany from 31 October to 16 November 2018. The exhibition will be shown in cooperation with the international conference of the TU Dortmund "Big Beautiful Buildings. When we build the future", which took place on 30 - 31 October in Bochum.
Exhibition opening - 30.10.2018, 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Introduction to the exhibition: "Zuerst modern, dann verschmäht, heute angesagt - die Nachkriegsmoderne"
(First modern, then scorned, today hip - post-war modernism)
Dr. Ursula Kleefisch-Jobst I Managing Curator of the M:AI NRW
7:00 p.m.
Lecture in the Christuskirche Bochum
"From big to small" - Aspekte einer Stilgeschichte der Architektur der 1960er und 1970er Jahre
(Aspects of a stylistic history of architecture in the 1960s and 1970s)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Jan Philipp I Institute for the History of Architecture, University of Stuttgart
Note: The lecture will take place in the Christuskirche in Bochum and is part of the international conference of the TU Dortund "Big Beautiful Buildings. When we built the future."