The Bürgerhaus Oststadt community centre with its multifunctional spatial programme has been the social and cultural centre of Essen's Freisenbruch district for more than forty years.
The building designed by Friedrich Mebes is also a prime example of "organic architecture" in the Ruhr area. The upcoming renovation is an opportunity for the Ruhrmoderne association to get in touch with experts in architecture and monument preservation, but also with the users of the community centre.
What is the architectural and functional quality of the building? Is the original concept still valid today and in the future? What challenges and opportunities does the restructuring offer?
Programme, start 6:00 p.m.
Simone Raskob I Councillor of the City of Essen
Handover of the Big Beautiful Building Award by Tim Rieniets, StadtBauKultur NRW to Simone Raskob
Dr. Alexandra Apfelbaum I Ruhrmoderne
Organic Architecture in North Rhine-Westphalia
PD Dr. Sabine Brinitzer I Architectural historian and monument conservator, ICOMOS
The architect Friedrich Mebes
Dr. Gudrun Escher I Urban Heritage Preservation Group
On the history of the Oststadt community centre
Dr. Sven Kuhrau I LVR - Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments in the Rhineland
The restoration of organic architecture
Michael Schwarz I Hospital-Frenking + Schwarz Architects
Panel discussion moderated by Dr. Christine Kämmerer
Dr. Petra Beckers I Institute for the Protection and Preservation of Historical Monuments of the City of Essen
PD Dr. Sabine Brinitzer I Monument Preserver
Peter Köster I Advisory Board of the Bürgerhaus Oststadt
Michael Schwarz I Hospital-Frenking + Schwarz Architects
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sonne I TU Dortmund GTA